Saturday, August 19, 2006

AEIOU by Jeffrey Brown

Hey all! Sorry I haven't posted in a while...I've been so busy with summer reading for school and making my own comics on my LiveJournal. Well, here's my review of Jeffrey Brown's "Any Easy Intimacy" or "AEIOU":

Blogger won't let me upload this picture so go to the following site to view the cover of this book:

Any Easy Intimacy is about Jeffrey Brown's experience with a girl named Sophia who he dates. It was really funny and I laughed for long periods of time (I'm not going to say "hours" because that's not true but yes, at least 10 minutes) over almost every page. I thought that the transitions between scenes could have been more clear, though. I also thought it was cool how each page was only two panels but he still managed to tell a great story, so be sure to read Any Easy Intimacy.


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